Straight male escort for women and couples only

£ 50 p/h Outcall | Pontypridd

Straight male escort for women and couples only profile picture - Pontypridd escort - Seductive Seekers
Straight male escort for women and couples only - Pontypridd escort - Seductive Seekers


  • Gender
  • Female
  • Age
  • 34 years old
  • Ethnicity
  • African/Caribbean
  • Orientation
  • Bisexual
  • Bust
  • 36C
  • Height
  • 5 ft 7 in
  • Hair
  • Black
  • Eyes
  • Black
  • Tattoo
  • No
  • My services for
  • Women, Couples

Services I offer


Your "SECRET SPECIAL SOURCE" for TOP QUALITY RELAXATION or MIND-BLOWING SATISFACTION is me, STRAIGHT LADIES AND WIVES. I promise you, wives and ladies, that every time will be the best.Then, let's get in touch and turn your dreams into reality. I'm a sincere, attractive, clean-cut, open-minded, fun-loving, man who can fulfil all of your fantasies. I have something for everyone. I provide massage therapy in addition to other services. Open to travel for meet up , but there is a cost associated with the trip. I'm always eager to meet new people and I aim to delight and satisfy both women and couples. It pleases me to see you happy.

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